Custom Made Tooth Replacements
When restoring fixed teeth on implants we only use custom-made replacements.
Standard abutments (which link the implant to the prosthetic tooth replacement) are cheaper but they do not tend to work as well for many different reasons.
Paul usually plans to hold the implant-supported crown to the implant using a screw at the base of a hole running through the prosthesis which is then filled in with white filling material.
If you are likely to show your missing tooth when you smile we are likely to use porcelain layered on a core of zirconia ceramic or metal. The porcelain needs to be carefully layered by an experienced and highly motivated technician for optimal aesthetic results while maintaining good durability.
The forces on teeth increase the further back you go in the mouth, so when the highest aesthetics are less important, all zirconia or even fully gold restorations are used.
The all zirconia prostheses are digitally designed and milled from a digital impression which gives us fantastic outcomes. The result is still an aesthetic tooth replacement with greater durability when compared with porcelain work over years.
One of the most important factors in creating good looking and durable dental prostheses is having work produced by a dedicated and gifted dental technician. We work closely with our technicians who have control of every stage of the design and fabrication process, rather than choosing to use a more commercial dental laboratory set up where the work at different stages is moved to different technicians on more of a production line.
Our digital workflow makes the impression taking exercise for implants much more agreeable to patients. We digitally scan your teeth and implants, which takes a couple of minutes and we can stop if you need a breather. It beats a mouthful of impression material which has to stay in your mouth for around 5 minutes to set before it can be removed.
If the prosthetic tooth needs to come off in the future, the filling material can be simply removed and the prosthetic tooth unscrewed.