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Waterside Court, Falmouth Road, Penryn, Cornwall, TR10 8AW


After Implant Surgery

Your Implant Placement Visit

Every measure will be taken to ensure that you are comfortable both during the procedure and afterwards. To help us with this we ask that you follow these points of guidance:

Please ensure that you have not smoked for 2 weeks before the date of your implant placement and that you do not plan to smoke again for at least 8 weeks afterwards.
Wear loose, comfortable clothing.
Please ensure that you have had food and drink beforehand. We also recommend that you take 400mg of ibuprofen with this food, unless you have a medical condition that prevents it. If you have any doubt, please do not hesitate to call the practice.

What to expect

The total time spent at the practice maybe a couple of hours, though only apart of this will include the actual procedure.

Paul would like you to start taking some antibiotics one day before your treatment. Please take one 500mg tablet every 8 hours for 24 hours before your treatment.

You will be greeted by the care nurse, who will take you to the treatment room. Once you are comfortable in the chair we will ask you to have an antibacterial mouth rinse and then will give the local anaesthetic. We use cold sterile saline liquid to reduce the chances of post-treatment discomfort. Please let us know if you have any teeth which are sensitive to cold as it may be more comfortable to make these numb also.

We will then place sterile drapes over your arms, chest and abdomen, ask you to wear a thin hat to cover your hair (we’ll bewearing one too!) and clean your face around your mouth with a sterile swab. We will put on a hat, safely glasses, mask, a sterile gown and sterile gloves. Please do notbe alarmed by this, it is best-practice.

Once Paul has ensured that the local anaesthetic has been effective,he will carry out the procedure. You will not feel any pain, though you will feel some vibrations and pushing sensations.

After the procedure has finished we will offer you an ice pack to place on your face where you have had the treatment. You will have plenty of time to recover before being escorted back to the reception by the care nurse.

Please also find enclosed some post-treatment instructions which are useful to read in advance.

Please do not hesitate to call the practice should you have any further queries beforehand.

Waterside Dental Care entrance

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